Friday, July 31, 2015

Another Break

I had to take another car break.  I had a PRK touchup on my left eye, the one I had done a year ago.  I had ended up with astigmatism, and the doc said he could fix it.  This time, I have other stuff to do besides sheet metal work, so my break only has to last a month or so.  Things turn out well and over time my vision improves much more quickly.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Front Wing Fixes, Part 2

I did a little bit more work on the front fender to make the bonnet line up better.
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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Rear Wings, Part Last

Here's the passenger's side, all done.
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Monday, July 6, 2015

Rear Wings, Part 2

I was able to save just about everything and fabricate patches for the rusted out pieces.  I reused the metal from the other fender I cut off to make the patches for the inner fender, since it was a) intact and b) the right thickness.  I think it turned out ok.
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