Saturday, April 11, 2020

Five Speed Rebuild, Part III: End of the Teardown

Two things remain from the previous session: tearing down the mainshaft and cleaning all the parts.  The mainshaft isn't hard to deconstruct, but the cleaning is gross.

The mainshaft disassembly starts with removing the retaining circlip on the input side that holds the 3/4 synchro in position.

Then, off comes the syncho, 3rd gear and the needle bearing.


The mainshaft bearing that holds the assembly in the adapter plate comes off next, along with its thrust washer.  This takes a while; it has to move over an inch down the shaft to come free.


After that, the rest just slides off:

  • First, 1st gear and its needle bearing;
  • Then, the 1/2 synchro;
  • Finally, 2nd gear and its needle bearing.

The result: A completely disassembled mainshaft.

The last item is the input shaft, which consists of the the main drive gear and input shaft bearing.

After all of that, it's time to clean, clean and clean.  Removing old ATF is disgusting.  But after a can of parts cleaner and three cans of brake cleaner, everything is clean.  (I wish I had a parts washer.)  But it is now all clean and ready for inspection.  So far, everything looks great--even the synchros have life left in them, though I have new ones.  The bearings do need replacement, so I'm glad I have those too.

Here's the final result...

And the rebuild kit!

Now I just need time to get started on the rebuild.  Stay tuned!

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