Monday, September 9, 2024

Where's that Oil Coming From?

I went for a short drive a couple of weeks ago, and Something Happened.

It wasn’t long, just up the road a ways to the gas station to get an ICEE. When I pulled out of the parking lot, I saw some oil on the ground. I thought, “Boy, someone’s losing a lot of oil.” (I’m no Joe Friday.) “It’s not me, though.”

Oh, but guess who it was. It WAS me. I got home, pulled into the garage and saw a trail of oil following me home.

It happens that the oil pressure gauge line cracked and sent a quart or so of fresh, clean Castrol all over the inside of the engine bay and down to the road.

Well, it’s an easy fix, at least. Parts are on the way and everything’s clean again. So, she’ll wait a week or so.

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