Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Seat Teardown

I have some time off around Christmas, so I've been taking care of some last minute shopping and some honey-dos (restoring a desk).  In between, I've managed to get a few things done on the Midget.

I cleaned up the gas tank, which was grungy outside but clean as a whistle inside.  The fuel sender works fine and all I need is a new gasket.  It's a tank for a later Midget but I modified it to take the earlier sender unit.

I disassembled and cleaned the rear springs, too.  Everything's in good shape here.

And I tackled the seats.  I thought the seats would be easy.  They didn't look too bad.  I mean, you tell me.


But then I got down to business, and in the words of the immortal, late Chris Farley, OH MY GOD!


Oh, and one of the seat bases is rotted and needs repair.  I can fix that, though.  I know a pretty good metal worker.

I wasn't planning on this.  The seats were comfortable enough.  But those cushions are horrible, and have enough defects in areas that will show that they'll look bad even if I clean them up and put the new covers over them.  So now I've got to dig up some more cash... *sigh*

EDIT: Seat bonus cash found!

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