Monday, May 16, 2016

The Heat Is On

Well, it's finally summer.  High of 104 over the weekend.  (Oh, wait... it's still mid-May.)  Too hot to work on the Midget in any serious capacity, so I think I'm likely done for the summer with any body work.

My dad and I did pull the transmission and starter off the engine that was in the car, though.  We cleaned 12 years of garage gunk (and a couple years of road gunk) off it, too.

I think I know the cause of a vibration around 50 was, though.  The input and main shaft bearings are deceased.  I've got a good 1/8" play in each, so it's going to be transmission rebuild time.  I think the innards are OK otherwise, since it was quiet and shifted smoothly.

I bet I can manage that over the summer... I do have an air conditioner installed in the garage, but it's not powerful enough to really take down the heat when it's 110 outside.  I wouldn't want to be sanding anyhow with the door closed, either.

But once we did that, we built a shelf and rearranged the garage.  I have a lot more room and the car isn't smashed up against the table saw like it was before, so I'm pretty sure it will survive until fall without getting banged up.

I'm just glad I got as far as I did this spring.  I was hoping to have the car in primer, and I ended up not too far away.  This fall, there will be paint!

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